Special event
Cleveland, OH | In-person training

Don’t let funders fall through the cracks: The technical and personal elements of grant tracking

Got a grant? Thinking of getting one? How do you make sure your first is not your last? Join a panel of local fundraising experts discussing grants management, from the high-tech to the highly personal.

Online | Webinar

Introduction to project budgets

Are you ready to start fundraising for your project or idea, but don't know what and how much to ask for? If preparing a budget for your foundation grant is holding you back, come learn the basic elements of how to draft a project budget with confidence.


Proposal writing
Online | Webinar

Get your board fundraising

Join us to get practical tips for engaging your board in fundraising, including common fundraising challenges and tips for overcoming them.


Online | Webinar

Build the board you need

Embark on a journey to build a proactive board. This course covers board member roles, selecting the right ones for your nonprofit’s current stage, and cultivating a sustainable organization.

