Training details

Produced by Candid

access_time 1 hour, 20 minutes

attach_money Free

Many corporations and foundations are consolidating their giving into fewer, larger awards. No matter the size of your nonprofit, you can benefit from the specialized strategies that lead to significant private grants.

In this webinar, we share the key differences between competing for your nonprofit’s annual awards and those that stand to make up your largest private grants to date. We discuss strategies that strengthen your staff, your relationships with funders, and your nonprofit in this increasingly competitive environment.

Recording date: January 27th, 2022

Use the following bookmarks to jump to sections of the training: 


Make your major foundation and corporate grant application stand out 

Make your major private request stand out

Wrapping up


  • Define major grants
  • Leverage your knowledge about major gifts to understand the benefits of major grants
  • Learn to examine your progress through both internal and external lenses
  • Identify six key actions needed to launch or grow your major grants program

Intended audience

  • Intermediate
  • Fundraising & development staff


Published Friday, December 22, 2023


Proposal writing