Training details

access_time 1 hours, 30 minutes

attach_money Free

As the nonprofit sector moves toward increased levels of outsourcing, many nonprofit professionals consider a career in consulting.  If you are thinking about consulting part-time, full-time or sometime in the future, join two veterans in this field as they share stories of this dynamic career choice.  Susan Schaefer (co-editor of the Nonprofit Consulting Playbook) and Don Tebbe have facilitated workshops nationwide to help budding consultants bypass the pitfalls and get on a fast track to success.  With candor and a wide range of experience, they will guide you through the crucial questions to ask as aspiring or novice consultants.


Upon completion of this video you should be able to:

  • Understand and capitalize on your motivations for consulting
  • Recognize the most important traits consultants possess
  • Identify the four major components of a consultant’s work
  • Review the five critical skills for consulting success (you already have two of them!)
  • Chart your professional development steps prior to setting up shop

A Special Welcome to:  

  • Senior nonprofit executives
  • Novice consultants,
  • Aspiring consultants

Intended audience

  • All levels of experience


Published Thursday, January 17, 2019