Training details

calendar_today Thursday, September 29, 2022

access_time Eastern: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Central: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Mountain: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Pacific: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

place Online

attach_money $30


Many social entrepreneurs have connections to communities and causes that inspire them to consider starting a nonprofit. But how do you really start a nonprofit? Not by filing the paperwork, but by creating infrastructure, sharing the story of your work, and raising funds so you can pay yourself and others. And how does that all really happen? In this webinar, Tokiwa T. Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Science, Engineering and Mathematics Link Inc and alumnus of Candid’s Boys and Men of Color Executive Director Collaboration Circle, will give you practical tips on going from idea to organization.

Qualifies for
1.5 CFRE point(s)

Additional information

Access to the recording will be provided to registrants of the live training. Upon completion of your registration, you will be receiving an email from our webinar platform, GoToWebinar. The email will contain your unique link to the live webinar.


If you have a disability and may require accommodations in order to fully participate, please contact us via [email protected], or you can reach us at (800) 421-8656 (option 3). For more information, please visit our Disability Inclusion page.

Live CART captioning will be available during this event.


  • Define the mission, vision, and purpose of your organization
  • Design key components of your organizational infrastructure
  • Discover the key stakeholders that are critical to the work of your organization
  • Identify key components of a strategic plan for organizational growth

Intended audience

  • Beginner
  • CEOs, executive directors, upper management
  • Nonprofit startups


Tokiwa T. Smith (she,her) Founder and Executive Director, SEM Link