Training details

calendar_today Monday, July 18, 2022

access_time 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm ET

attach_money Free


Take a deep dive into the advanced searching and funder review options available in the Foundation Directory Online. It is strongly recommended that attendees have already participated in the Grants Research Lab class, which is offered every month. Free. Registration required.

This will be a virtual session. Full details and a link to join the event will be email upon registration and again the day of the event.

This class is offered by Cincinnati Public Library, which is a member of Candid’s Funding Information Network, a consortium of partners that provide local nonprofit communities with access to funding databases, nonprofit trainings, and the opportunity to connect with like-minded social sector professionals.


By enrolling in this training, you agree to grant Candid permission to document this session with photography, film, and/or video. Material captured may be used in future publications, brochures, or other printed materials used to promote Candid. Please inform instructor if you do not agree to these conditions.