Section 3

Financial capital

Status: not complete

Insights and resources

  1. What will your potential start up costs be? Please give your best estimate. (By start­up costs, we mean costs directly associated with incorporation and obtaining 501 (c)(3) status. This includes lawyer fees, filing fees and application fees.)

    Answer this question for more accurate results


    The majority of new nonprofits spend between $1,200 and $20,000 in startup costs, with the average around $5,000. This typically covers registration fees for incorporation and your IRS 501(c)(3) application, initial accounting and lawyer fees, and some business supplies or rent. If you need to purchase equipment or secure specialized space, costs can quickly soar. Be sure you budget adequately for startup costs.


  2. Where do you intend to get the majority of your funding in your first two years of operations? Check the top two.

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    Funding a new nonprofit is rarely as easy as writing a grant. When asked about the most important source of revenue during the first year of operations nonprofit founders reported donations (37%), personal support (14%), earned revenue (13%), foundation grants (12%), and government grants (9%). Many foundations do not accept applications from organizations that have been operating for less than 2 years. Grant money is not easy to win and just because you have received your 501(c)(3) status does not mean that you are competitive for a grant. Earned income, personal donations, and crowdfunding may be the best path for you.


  3. Are you willing to take on personal loans to fund the organization you are developing?

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    More than 15% of nonprofit founders reported taking on personal debt while starting a nonprofit. The average amount was $27,000.


  4. Do you keep a personal budget?

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    As founder, you will have significant influence over the organization. A sound budget is critical to the success your startup nonprofit because it will help you articulate your needs, plan your growth, and gain credibility for the organization.


  5. Do you have a good sense of the operation costs or have you created a budget for your organization's first year?

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    Estimating operating and individual program costs are often the most difficult step for new organizations.


  6. How would you describe your current employment status?

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  7. How do you plan to support yourself as you start this organization? Check all that apply.

    Answer this question for more accurate results


    Only 37% of nonprofit founders work full-time on the venture without other employment. Many of those have support from their spouses or retirement savings. The start-up process is not quick and easy, so make sure you have a plan to support yourself as the organization is getting established


  8. What is your net worth?

    Answer this question for more accurate results
