Where can I learn about nonprofit mission statements?
The mission statement communicates the nonprofit's purpose, what groups it serves, and how it plans to do so. For a new nonprofit, developing the mission statement is a critical first step in defining what the organization plans to do and what makes it different from other organizations in the same field.
Webinar Defining Mission and Vision
This 1-hour webinar will explain the importance of distilling your message and offer ways to engage your board and staff in developing statements they can own.
Expressing an organization's mission in clear and concise terms can be a difficult process, requiring input from individual board members, staff, volunteers, and other groups. Although this process requires time and effort, a well-crafted mission statement will provide direction and purpose for the organization, motivate staff and volunteers, appeal to donors and other supporters, and provide a means of evaluating organizational achievement.
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Staff-recommended websites
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Write the BEST Nonprofit Mission Statement
Discusses what a mission statement is and why it matters, and how to write a nonprofit mission statement. Includes 15 nonprofit mission statement examples and a free template.
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Raise-Funds Blog
Don't Make Your Organization's Statement of Purpose A "Mission Impossible"
Contains tips and advice for creating or rewriting mission statements. A sample mission statement is also included, along with a checklist of considerations.
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Karen Eber Davis Consulting
How to Develop a Great Mission Statement
Provides guidance for developing a good mission statement, along with several examples.
Mission Statement
Briefly outlines the purpose of a mission statement.
Non-Profit Mission Statements
Provides a sample listing of nonprofit organization mission statements.
How to Write an Amazing Nonprofit Mission Statement
Contains an overview of the benefits of mission statements, tips on composing a well-defined mission statement, and several examples.
Staff-recommended books
The Fieldstone Alliance Nonprofit Guide to Crafting Effective Mission and Vision Statements
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