Successfully raising funds and donations from private institutions, government or individuals requires a certain amount of experience and skill, not the least of which is a firm understanding, and a consistent practice of, raising funds in a responsible ethical manner.

Fundraising ethics is a somewhat abstract concept that may be made more concrete in your own organizational code of ethics, or in the statements and position papers of professional associations like the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

One of the most well-known ethical principles is the Donor Bill of Rights, which declares 10 specific practices designed to "ensure that philanthropy merits the respect and trust of the general public, and that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in the nonprofit organizations and causes they are asked to support".

See also our related Knowledge Base articles:

- Should fundraisers be paid a fixed fee or a percentage of the money raised?
- Where can I find information on online fundraising?
- What do I do if I suspect that a charity is a fraud?
- How can I recognize and avoid grant or scholarship scams?



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