Training details

calendar_today Thursday, August 19, 2021

access_time Eastern: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Central: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Mountain: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Pacific: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

place Online

attach_money $25


Do you feel like you should do a survey, but have no idea what to ask? Do you have a survey, but aren’t sure if the questions are phrased the right way? Surveys are a common methodology to gather data from your program participants. They are frequently a part of a program evaluation process. It can be overwhelming to know what to ask and how to ask to ensure you are in fact measuring what matters. In this webinar, we’ll dig into how to determine what to ask as well as how to avoid common survey design mistakes. Take the stress out of survey design, and get the data you need. 

Qualifies for
1.5 CFRE point(s)

Additional information

Purchase your webinar registration now to access the recording within two business days of the live webinar. The registration fee entitles the purchaser to one computer log-in, which cannot be shared. No refunds, transfers, or credits will be issued for missed sessions. Please also note that Candid does not sell recordings of our live trainings after they take placeAccess to the recording will be provided to registrants of the live training. 

Upon completion of your registration, you will be receiving an email from our webinar platform, GoToWebinar. The email will contain your unique link to the live webinar. 


  • Identify what to include in a participant survey
  • Understand common survey design mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Describe the role of surveys in the program evaluation process

Intended audience

  • Beginner
  • Fundraising & development staff
  • Grant writers
  • Grantmaker/funder
  • Marketing, communications, external affairs
  • Nonprofit startups
  • Program directors and staff

Bonus materials

When you register for this webinar, you receive: 

  • a full recording, 
  • associated handout(s), if applicable 
