Training details

calendar_today Tuesday, June 15, 2021

access_time Eastern: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Central: 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Mountain: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Pacific: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

place Online

attach_money $99

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Strong donor relationships are critical to fundraising success at all stages of the development cycle. That’s a fact! Explore eight steps successful fundraisers take to reach and surpass their goals. These steps present proven techniques for connecting with donors, effectively communicating your cause, and cultivating long-term relationships.

This training is made possible thanks to our partnership with Fundraising Academy.

Fundraising Academy and Candid partnership logo in color


Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

  • Explain how selling your cause is a part of fundraising in the social sector
  • Make the case for the value of donor relationships for fundraising success
  • Assess your circles of influence to identify prospective new donors
  • Draft a plan to improve relationships with your existing donors

A Special Welcome to:

  • Emerging to Intermediate fundraising professionals
  • Advanced fundraising professionals that want to brush up on skills
  • Volunteer board members

Qualifies for
3 CFRE point(s)

Additional information

How Our Virtual Workshops Work:

Within one business day of your registration, you will be enrolled in this course and receive an e-mail from our eLearning platform, Bridge. The subject line of the email will be “Welcome! Learning awaits”.  This email will have instructions on how to create your own online account in Bridge as well as a link to access your course.

In Bridge, you will be introduced to the course and instructor and be provided with a link to the live session, which will be held in Zoom on Tuesday, June 15, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PT/1:00 - 4:00 pm ET.

We recommend using Firefox as your browser. Visit Bridge for more information on accessing courses, navigating through a course, and viewing its technical requirements.  You can learn more about Zoom by accessing this page. You will have access to the course for 90 days after enrollment. The course fee entitles purchaser to one computer log-in which cannot be shared. In addition, no refunds, transfers or credits will be issued.

Unable to attend the live session?  While we strongly encourage you to attend the highly-interactive live sessions, we will record the live meetings and circulate the recording to all course participants within 24 hours of the meetingsBy enrolling in this training, you agree to grant Candid permission to document this session with photography, film, and/or video. Material captured may be used in future publications, brochures, or other printed materials used to promote Candid. Please inform instructor if you do not agree to these conditions.

Intended audience

  • All levels of experience


