Training details

calendar_today Thursday, January 14, 2021

access_time Eastern: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Central: 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Mountain: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Pacific: 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

place Online

attach_money $25


As nonprofits engage in conversations and focus on increasing the levels of giving to their cause, they often leave out the most important part of fundraisingbuilding relationships. Relationships, the steps from meet to ask, follow-ups, thanking donors, maintaining relationships, and retention are all elements of quality donor relations.  

Join our webinar to learn how building donor relationships that have a solid foundation will keep your donors engaged, create interest, and drive your donors to take action. Investing in your donor relations ultimately results in donor retention. We’ll show you how to look at donor relations through the eyes of your donors, and you’ll walk away with next steps that you can implement right away to create a stronger development department and happier donors.

Qualifies for
1.5 CFRE point(s)

Additional information

Purchase your webinar registration now to access the recording within two business days of the live webinar. The registration fee entitles the purchaser to one computer log-in, which cannot be shared. No refunds, transfers, or credits will be issued for missed sessions. Please also note that Candid does not sell recordings of our live trainings after they take place. Access to the recording will be provided to registrants of the live training. 

Upon completion of your registration, you will be receiving an email from our webinar platform, GoToWebinar. The email will contain your unique link to the live webinar.

By enrolling in this training, you agree to grant Candid permission to document this session with photography, film, and/or video. Material captured may be used in future publications, brochures, or other printed materials used to promote Candid. Please inform instructor if you do not agree to these conditions.


  • Practice fundraising strategies for productive interactions with donors and potential donors that have them take action
  • Identify methods for ongoing communication with your donors to build lasting relationships
  • Differentiate between retention and acquisition, and learn the metrics you should measure around both
  • Explain how donor segmentation will help you fine-tune your development planning and allow you to target donors that are most likely to support your cause

Intended audience

  • All levels of experience
  • CEOs, executive directors, upper management
  • Fundraising & development staff
  • Nonprofit startups
  • Program directors and staff

Bonus materials

When you register for this webinar, you receive:

  • a full recording,
  • a copy of the webinar slide deck
  • associated handout(s), if applicable


Mandy Pearce Funding For Good, Inc.

