If you're looking for volunteer opportunities, start with organizations whose causes you support. Your school, workplace, or place of worship also are good places to start inquiring.

If you want to post volunteer opportunities, use your communication channels -- website, email, social media, etc. Many web sites, local and national, also are available to search for volunteer opportunities. Candid's state-by-state nonprofit startup resources list many of them. Scroll down and click on your state.

You can also try an Internet search for "volunteer opportunities" plus the city name to find searchable websites where you can submit postings.

Below are selected web sites that often provide searchable lists and will assist you or your organization in making a difference in your community.

You might also contact local organizations that train and match volunteers with nonprofits, such as:

  • Some United Way chapters
  • Points of Light
  • Schools, colleges, universities, and organizations that require students to perform community service
  • Colleges and universities that have nonprofit management programs or classes in the specialty you need, e.g., grant writing courses -- professors might match students with local nonprofits to provide practical experience

See also our related Knowledge Base articles:

- Where can I learn more about recruiting and managing volunteers for my nonprofit?
- How can I learn about involving youth in volunteering and philanthropy?
- What is the monetary value of volunteer time?

More articles about nonprofit employment and volunteering



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