Where can I learn more about disaster planning for my nonprofit?
Regardless of where your nonprofit is located, preparing for emergencies -- be it weather, riots, or broken pipes -- can help your nonprofit protect important information and assets and recover more quickly. Our Knowledge Base Article What's the difference between contingency and scenario planning? provides links and resources to understand and implement these management concepts.
Disaster recovery plans are just one type of contingency planning. The Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York explains disaster recovery plans in this way:
Whatever one chooses to call it--disaster planning, emergency preparedness, or business continuity (and experts note that there are differences) -- the goals are ultimately the same: to get an organization back up and running in the event of an interruption. [...] A disaster recovery plan exists to preserve the organization so that it can continue to offer its services.
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Many Organizations
Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) for Nonprofit Organizations
A synthesis of a number of emergency plans, this guide will saved you a lot of work and brainstorming. Find outwhat your emergency plan lacks, so you know how prepared your organization is for an emergency.
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Collaborating Agencies Responding To Disasters
Agency Emergency Plan
CARD complements traditional disaster response agencies by providing safe, culturally appropriate emergency services programs designed for nonprofits, faith agencies , service providers and the low-income and special needs communities they serve.
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Disaster Planning and Recovery Guide
TechSoup provides the resources in this toolkit with the goal of preparing nonprofits for a crisis, but also to deepen their impact in times of health.
Data Backup Best Practices for Nonprofits
TechSoup provides guidance to help you create a data backup and recovery plan.
Heritage Emergency National Task Force
Heritage Preservation
Useful information and tools to help your institution plan and prepare for emergencies by becoming familiar with possible hazards, developing an emergency plan, training staff and volunteers, and getting to know local emergency responders.
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The Resilient Organization: A Guide for Disaster Planning and Recovery [PDF]
TechSoup created the first version of this guide shortly after Hurricane Katrina struck the southern United States and left numerous nonprofits and public libraries scrambling for solutions.
Urban Institute,Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy [PDF]
The Role of Faith-Based and Community Organizations in Post-Hurricane Human Services Relief Efforts
This report is based on survey findings addressing what types of services were provided, to whom, and the collaborations used by faith-based and community organizations to deliver services after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Published Dec. 1, 2008.
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Nonprofit New York
Disaster Planning,Emergency Preparedness & Business Continuity [doc]
Guideline of what an organization needs to consider in order to prepare its own disaster recovery plan so it is able to resume operations if an interruption occurs. Contents were drawn from a series of disaster planning and recovery seminars given for NPCC.