Nonprofit startup assessment

Assess your readiness to start a nonprofit, and access resources to build your skills and knowledge as a founder.

You should take this diagnostic if:

  • You are thinking about starting or have recently started a nonprofit
  • You have not previously navigated the processes of incorporation and applying for 501(c)(3) status
  • You are looking for funding to support a community project
  • You are hoping to gain employment by founding a nonprofit organization
  • You got your 501(c)(3) and need help to implement your program ideas and secure funding

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About this tool

This assessment is for people who are either considering or are already in the early stages of starting a nonprofit. Questions will assess background knowledge, capital, and work experience that are relevant to starting a nonprofit.

Once the assessment is complete, the results will provide customized resources to guide your team on identifying funding, navigating the legal process, developing a business plan, and launching programs.